Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Newest ADVENTURE begins!

WooHoo! I got a job! I might as well post about it at least once (or twice).

My hubby made me breakfast to start my first big day. Steak and eggs. It was really sweet of him. I could hardly eat though. I was pretty anxious and excited and nervous. I actually slept the night before ( Im surprised! I ususlly cant sleep when I get excited about anything! )
With a good night sleep and a full belly, I was ready for my newest adventure to begin! I know work isnt something most people get excited about, especially on a Monday morning. However, Iv been unemployed for a while now, and am more than ready for this.

My drive isnt bad at all. It take about 30 minutes total to get work. Im not fighting to much traffic, which would make a difference on my mood, so thats a good thing. I actually kinda like the alone time in the car too. I need that every now and again. I just have to remember to buckle up and drive the speed limit.

Its nice to belong somewhere again. Seeing new faces and hearing new stories with new voices is a nice change of pace for me. I appreciate having a job. I like learning new tasks and new anything really. I like that I am getting paid for it too. The opportunities that are in front of me or pretty much limitless. Iv never felt like anythng is unreachable or unattainable or undoable (is that even a word? LOL)but I do like having the chance to see whats there!

I had a few friends and family text me and/or call to wish me luck and/or ask me about my first day. This little gesture made me smile. Its nice being thought of.

I made it through my first 2 week. Im glad that this part of it is over. Im grateful that I have the job, but glad the beginning of this adventure is done!

I have had such a wild mix of emotions through all of this. It feels good! I'm happy!

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