Sunday night Mike found a "new" recipe for homemade ice-cream. This may sound delicious but he wanted me to help him make this. First of all, it was some sort of custard. That means egg yolks! Lots of them! [ big yucky face] I'm not much of a cook or a baker or any other flattering term that goes with "belonging in the kitchen". But Mike thought I could help him. I tried. This turned into a disaster. The milk and egg mixture turned into a a cursed mess. I guess I was suppose to mix it or not mix it or turn the heat down. I'm not sure what happened. Either way, Mike told me nicely to get out of the kitchen. Haha. He attempted to continue with the making of the ice-cream and it turned out absolutely disgusting! I thought I was gonna throw up in my mouth! I text'd my friend Laura and she said it perfectly.... "BlueBell makes really good ice-cream!". That's what I'm screaming!
This is Mike texting me from the kitchen as I sat in the living room giggling at the mess I made.
Here's a close up of the nasty ice cream. ( oh yes, its actually that yellow! Thats not just bad light. ) I never said I could cook. [big smiles]
My lack of sleep from staying up late to make ice cream has done no justice for my Monday! Iv been trying to catch a cat nap any chance I get. The lawns won't mow themselves and the hedges still need trimmed; so I guess I'll get off my phone and quit blogging and get my tail to work!
I've never made homemade ice cream, but it looks difficult. :/